Complete Git from basic to Advance with downloadable Study Material| GitHub Tutorial | Gitlab Tutorial | Git Bash
Version control systems:
• Version control is all about managing multiple versions of
documents, programs, web sites, etc.
• Almost all “real” projects use some kind of version control
• Essential for team projects, but also very useful for individual projects
• Some well‐known version control systems are CVS,SVN
Subversion, Mercurial, and Git
Why version control?
• For working by yourself:
• Gives you a “time machine” for going back to earlier versions
• Gives you great support for different versions (standalone, web app, etc.) of
the same basic project
• For working with others:
• Greatly simplifies concurrent work, merging changes
• For getting an internship or job:
• Any company with a clue uses some kind of version control
• Companies without a clue are bad places to work
Download the Study Material / Notes for this Tutorial from the given link below:
Download and install Git
Here’s the standard one:
What is Git:
Git is a modern and widely used distributed version control system in
the world. It is developed to manage projects with high speed and
efficiency. The version control system allows us to monitor and work
together with our team members at the same workspace.
Introduce yourself to Git
• Enter these lines (with appropriate changes):
• git config ‐‐global “your username"
• git config ‐‐global “Your email”
• You only need to do this once
• If you want to use a different name/email address for a particular
project, you can change it for just that project
• cd to the project directory
• Use the above commands, but leave out the ‐‐global
Create and fill a repository
1. cd to the project directory you want to use
2. Type in git init
• This creates the repository (a directory named .git)
• You not offen (if ever) need to look inside this directory
3. Type in git add .
• The period at the end is part of this command!
. Period means “this directory”
• This adds all your current files to the repository
4. Type in git commit –m "Initial commit"
• You can use a different commit message, if you like
Clone a repository from elsewhere
• git clone URL
• git clone URL path‐of‐the‐repository
• These make an exact copy of the repository at the given URL
• git clone
• Github is the most popular (free) public repository
• All repositories are equal
• But you can treat some particular repository (such as one on Github) as
the “master” directory
• Typically, each team member works in his/her own repository,
and “merges” with other repositories as appropriate.
Now onwards we are Ready to open up our terminal and start learning the concepts
of VCS(Version Controlling System) which includes Git and the Softwares by which
we manage VCS of Projects like GitHub and Gitlab etc.
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